Thursday, January 21, 2010

OOP344 - Using SVN

I learned today how to use SVN :
1) Check out: to get the code out of the repository.
2) Work with code :
A) add : is to add information to the repository.
B) Modify or Edit : to change and fix the code you have.
3)Update : to make sure your code is up to date if any member has changed any thing .
4) Commit : to commit the changes you've made to the code

I learned that
for (i=0,j=0;i<10;i++,j++){//some code
is the same as
while (i<10){//somecode
and that
for (i=0,j=0;i<10;i++,j++){//some code
it's okay to put two operations in the same place in the for loop as long as they are separated by comma( ,)
but it's ot okay to put two comma seprated operations at the condition part becuase it doesnt' make sense like
for (i=0,j=0;i<10,j<10;i++,j++){//some code
in this case which one is the condition so if you want them to be executed together you can join them with && or ||

I enjoyed learning these things

Monday, January 18, 2010

OOP344 class Canceled

I've been looking forward to take the assessment test in the OOP344 class but the teacher canceled the class because he was sick.I wish he gets better for next class and I hope I won't be late to class as last time.OOP344 is looking very nice I've learned some stuff that I didn't know about. The teacher is great he keeps us active the whole class.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

OOP344 calss

I had a nice class last week,I was an hour late though.We studied about SVN .We are gonna have a quiz next week .The first week was nice as expected.I wish that the rest of the semester stay the same.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Teacher's strike

Teachers might be going on strike soon.They realize the ones that are mostly at disadvantage are us students,but they don't care what happen to us.Some students lose summer jobs,some other their graduation dates get delayed and the rest get stuck with overwhelming school work.
It's unfair to have students pay for teachers not satisfied with their contracts.If they went in strike we're gonna be the biggest loser.

Monday, January 11, 2010

OOP 344 teacher was great but he asked us to form groups with in one week.
I don't see how is that possible.We should at least have two weeks to know each other.

first day of school

As expected my first day of school was great.The courses look good but difficult.I got to meet friends